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Overcharge test

Partial certification program

Overcharge test requirements

UN38.3 certification

  Charge the sample with 2 times the manufacturer's recommended maximum continuous charging current
    The minimum voltage for this test is:
    If the manufacturer's recommended charging voltage does not exceed 18V, the minimum charging voltage for this test should be twice the manufacturer's rated maximum charging voltage or the smaller of 22V.
    If the recommended charging voltage exceeds 18V, the minimum charging voltage for this test shall be 1.2 times the maximum rated charging voltage of the manufacturer.
    The test lasts for 24 hours at an ambient temperature of 20 ± 5 °C.
    RESULTS: There should be no disintegration and no fire during the test and within 7 days after the test.

UL certification

  The sample cells used for testing are charged at a constant current of 10*C5. Each cell or cell is labeled with a thermal coupling and then charged until the battery or cell explodes, leaks, or the temperature of the surface of the casing returns to ambient temperature or A stable state is reached.
    In the test, the reacted overcurrent and thermal protection devices must be certified for safety and should be short-circuited without an approved protective device.
    Result: No fire, no explosion.

CQC certification

  The emptied battery is first charged to the test voltage with a constant current which is the larger of 3CA and 3 times the recommended charging current of the manufacturer, and then is charged at a constant voltage with the test voltage. During the test, the battery temperature change is monitored. When one of the following two situations occurs, the test is terminated: the battery's continuous charging time reaches 7h and the manufacturer-defined charging time is the larger value; the battery temperature drops to 20% lower than the peak value.

     Result: no fire, no explosion.

CB certification

 The battery is discharged at a constant current of 0,2 It A to the final discharge voltage specified by the manufacturer. Then the sample battery uses a current of 2,0 It A, and the voltage is: 1.4 times the upper limit voltage of a single string does not exceed 6V, and 1.2 times the upper limit voltage of multiple strings multiply the number of strings (single string cannot exceed 6.0V). Current charging.

     Result: no fire, no explosion.

Online message/ Messages
Service Hotline400-755-8988
Address: 2st floor, B Area, Jinbaisheng Industrial Park, Headquarters 2 Road, Songshan Lake Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, Dongguan City, Guangdong Pr., China. Telephone: +86-0769-85075888 to 6617 Fax: +86-0769-85075898 Mailbox: net03@gtggroup.com
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