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Battery pack application for UL2054 certification details

Editor:ESTL Category:Certification information Release time:2019-08-26 Click volume:1743

Export country:United States
Application Item:UL
Test Criteria:UL 2054
Compulsory certification:Non-coercive
Do you want to detect EMC:Not required
Do you need a local agent:Not required
Certification Cycle:3-4 weeks
Does factory inspection need to be performedUL: The first time a product applies for UL certification, the first factory inspection shall be conducted after the certification is completed and before the product is shipped. Follow-up inspectors will visit the factory from time to time. The frequency of inspection is determined by the type of product and the volume of production. Most types of products are inspected at least four times a year.
Documentation requirements:Information:Remarks:
1. Battery pack specificationTest requirements, parameters must be correct
2. Circuit Diagrams and LayoutConsistent with the sample
3. Product size drawingIdentify unit
4. Critical List or BOM
5. Electronic file label
6. Production date code
Test Items:1. Short-Circuit TestShort circuit test at room and high temperatures
2. Abnormal Charging TestAbnormal charge test
3. Abusive Ocercharge TestOvercharge test
4. Forced-Discharge TestForced discharge test
5. Limited Power Source TestPower limiting test
6. Battery Pack Monitor/Surface TemperatureTemperature rise test
7.250 N Steady Force Test250N electrostatic test
8. Mold Sterss Relief TestStress relief test
9. Drop Impcat TestDrop test

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Service Hotline400-755-8988
Address: 2st floor, B Area, Jinbaisheng Industrial Park, Headquarters 2 Road, Songshan Lake Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, Dongguan City, Guangdong Pr., China. Telephone: +86-0769-85075888 to 6617 Fax: +86-0769-85075898 Mailbox: net03@gtggroup.com
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